
On-Primise Standard edition

price in USD

Price in USD

Code Product No of Users Price Total Buy Now
CT-Std-OP-3-USD ComplaintTracker
Standard Edition
3 $. 4
per user per month
$144 Contact Us
CT-Std-OP-4-USD ComplaintTracker
Standard Edition
4 $. 4
per user per month
$192 Contact Us
CT-Std-OP-5-USD ComplaintTracker
Standard Edition
5 $. 4
per user per month
$240 Contact Us
For more users, contact us
Payment details
Payment can be done via PayPal or Fund Transfer to our HDFC Bank A/c
‹ basic basic USD price (On-Premise)
standard standard USD price (On-Premise)
professional › professional USD price (On-Premise)